
When Mother Nature Plays 'Daddy'


I'm currently sitting in a hallway, alone, under blankets and pillows and listening to tornado sirens, and to me, it sounds like those sirens are saying, "Who's your daddy, Austin?" And I'm thinking, "Mother nature."

It's moments like this when I'm reminded of just how human and vulnerable I really am. At any moments notice, a burst of strong wind or a tornado could rip through the entire house I rent and take me out like a slight breeze takes out a loose blade of grass- here one moment, gone the next. 

Nature has a way of making us feel super vulnerable when were exposed to it- especially if we're not used to it. Weather it's a looming tornado (yes, that was a pun on whether) or a mysterious noise outside of a tent while camping, there's just something about being exposed to something greater than yourself while it has the potential to take the life out of your lungs. I'm not sure what it is about something other than a human being able to take your life from you that makes you feel super human, but it's true. When nature shows its wild side and displays its full force, it's humbling and honestly, kinda terrifying.  

Think about it though. When is the last time you were humbled by the power or the creation that you live in? Was it while you were hiding under a fort of blankets and pillows while nature ran its course giving you no say in the matter? Or was it when you walking in the woods late at night with darkness so thick around you that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face even if you only held it inches away from your nose? It could've been any number of times, but there's no doubt, we all feel fearful of creation at some time or another. It's a funny thing being a created being that technically, is created to help cultivate creation, yes also a being that has no control over that creation. What a concept. 


Cliff's Note: If you live in Oklahoma, get a storm shelter.