Walking in on Intimacy

I stopped off for gas this morning before work. It was around 6:45a, and the sun hadn’t come up yet in Oklahoma City. As I pulled up to the pump, I noticed two elderly women holding one another at the pump next to me. They were weeping.

As I got out of my car to fill up my tank, I began to overhear glimpses of what the two women were emotional about. They were old friends, who hadn’t seen one another in years, and one of them was dying.

When I punched in the zip code from my credit card, I heard the healthy friend telling her sick friend to call her any time and how good it was to see her after all the years that I had passed.

The title of this blog may have led you to believe it would be about something else. But intimacy is all around us, and it knows no boundaries. Intimacy is a word that we often associate only with sex, but it’s so much more than that. Intimacy is closeness, emotion, openness and vulnerability, and it’s found in the little moments of relationships all around us.

Parents and their children.
Long lost friends.

Intimacy is precious. It is a gift, and something we should not take for granted to notice. Even when walking in on it unexpectedly.

Cliff’s Note:
Find intimacy in the world around you, and life will be more beautiful.