

If you were to look at the inside of my right, upper arm, you would see the face of a polar bear, a tattoo that I got a few years ago when I was living in Tulsa.

As an endangered species, the polar bear is a symbol of vulnerability, something that is scary to me. But i got that tattoo as a constant reminder of why it’s important to be vulnerable. Sure, it can leave you exposed and in danger of being hurt, but it can also lead to being known, cared for and loved.

A part of being vulnerable that I struggle with is being unknowing. It feels like much of my life is living in a state of unknown and guesswork, but the more I experience life, the more it feels like that’s just the nature of being an adult, trying things out with uncertainty and being okay with the truth that not all things will work out.

It’s vulnerable to admit you don’t know everything. It’s vulnerable to ask for help. It’s vulnerable to be at the mercy of the unknown and someone else’s expertise. But there’s always good in that. There’s growth, learning and opportunity.


Cliff’s Note: Vulnerability makes a stronger.