Questions Not Answered (Today)


Why can’t we just all get along? Why does the world not work that way? How come one nation say to another, “Peace be with you! Prosper. How can we help in your need?” While the other nation answers with thanks and acceptance, in turn offering to help the other nation where it may need it most because in truth, we’re all in need of something.

Why can’t people seem to love those who are different than them? How come when different opinions arise, we immediately jump to conclusions, aggressiveness, and disregard? Even those who are evil can be and should be loved, justly, but still treated certain amounts of dignity and respect as a fellow human being, though we all have moments when we act not human, but as selfish beasts.

Why are we so quick to tear down one another when we hear something we do not agree with? How come we’re too quick to slander, gossip, and write off those who are not like us in thought or deed and cast their thoughts and beliefs up to hate each time, rather than listening to where their mindset comes from and listening some more, and actually hearing what they say, before responding.

Why is it no longer okay to disagree with someone but still love them? How come we get the feeling of needing to respond, retaliate and defend ourselves deep in our chest when someone says something that we don’t agree with, letting that feeling rise up, sit under our tongues and spill out in passive aggressiveness, demeaning words and lack of respect?

We are a people quick to speak. Quick to take things personally. Quick to assume. Quick to find those most like ourselves in a circle. Quick to hide behind screens and say things we would never say exposed to someone’s face. 

We are not united, but we carry the title.
We are not united, but we wave the banner.
We are not united, but how can we be?


Cliff’s Note: Today, unity feels like an easy to say buzzword with no weight to it. Tomorrow, will it feel the same?