Leading with Light

I’ve never started a blog post off with a definition before, but I’m going to revert back to middle school on this one and kick it off with this from Merriam Webster.

Leader - “a powerful person who controls or influences what other people do : a person who leads a group, organization, country, etc.”

I’ve never looked up the definition of leader before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting something that vague.

Growing up, we’re all taught that leaders are successful.
Leaders of the class.
Captains of the team.

The list goes on.

But the word “leader” alone leaves much to be desired. Sure, it’s a powerful person in control.
But what about the adjectives that should go alongside leader? The traits.

Good leader.
Team leader.
Brave leader.

The list goes on.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the type of leader I am and about the type of leader I want to be.

Right now, I’m not a very positive leader. I lean toward pessimism, and I that brings down the team I’m on.
Rather, I want to be a team builder, a contagiously positive leader, and I want to be a leader others look to as a source of sunshine.

Leaders are all around us, and as we are led, we can learn how we currently lead and how we want to lead. There is always a chance to grow, to learn and to lead.

Cliff’s Note:
Lead with Light.