Leadership Fears


There are certain things adults don’t warn you about as you’re growing up. Things like how hard it is to save and buy your first home, holding down a steady career, being confident in who you are and taxes. Another thing you don’t hear much about is how scary it is to be a leader.

As a kid, it seemed like there were certain, natural leaders who rose to the top. Those were the kids that everyone was naturally drawn to, the kids who had a little group following them around the playground, whether it was because they were good looking, popular, athletic, smart, etc. Naturally being a leader always looked easy.

But as you grow up, and one has to learn to lead, things get scary. Like when you’re put in a management role for the first time, or if you’re charged to lead a family, you begin to think through things differently.

What if no one follows me?
What if I lead down the wrong path?
What if I fail?
What if I hurt someone?
What if I say the wrong thing?

Leadership is scary, and it carries a weight of responsibility, no matter what the role is. And there’s always a risk for failing.

But since when have the good things in life been easy?


Cliff’s Note: Be a leader in the good, and keep leading when things go bad.