Good Different


There’s something extremely refreshing about being in the company of individuals who are different than you. Each time, it’s like a crash-course in, “Things I Missed in ______.”

Last night, I met up with a friend at a local pub to share a few pints, and we talked about literally everything: drinks, movies, work, jobs, girls, racial inequality, social justice, religion, sports, EVERYTHING. And with each topic, it felt like I was getting so much background that I had never had before because this person saw things I could never see, experience things I could never experience and know things I could never know. And that, my friend, is refreshing.

It’s peace to know that your thoughts and beliefs aren’t the only thoughts and beliefs because we all know, all of our thoughts and beliefs, no matter how strong they are, have holes in them. It’s peace to know that seeking to understand, rather than to be understood, is a position of love that we can all pursue. And it’s peace to know that the backgrounds that define who we are today will continue to teach us tomorrow, as we create new backgrounds through learning from those who are not like ourselves.


Cliff’s Note: Seek the goodness in not always being right and hearing the stories of those who prove you wrong.