Feeling Full

Last night, I had a lot to do after work. I needed to rake leaves, clean the house, stack fire wood and go to the grocery store. We’re preparing to host a party, and there are things that need to be done.

In all of the chaos, I had to find time to eat dinner. I opened up our freezer to pull out a frozen pizza we had, an easy, quick option that cooks while I continue to clean. As I was eating my fourth slice of pizza, a new thought I had never had before popped into my head: What all do I put in my body?

In that moment, I didn’t feel great about myself. One rarely does after they eat half a pizza, but this time, something stuck out to me. How much am I killing myself, taking years off of my life, for not eating like I should.

I go to the gym regularly, but I still eat like I’m in high school. Fast food doesn’t bother me, and neither does shoving my mouth full of sodium-packed frozen foods. Sure, a few of these options here and there aren’t bad at all, but the rate i’ve been going lately can’t be sustainable for good health.

It’s almost the New Year, and as cliche as it is, I think I’m going to make a resolution to eat healthier for the first time in my life, focusing on feeding my body the things it needs to be healthy and fueled, rather than eating to simply feel full.

Cliff’s Note:
I’m not in high school anymore, so I should stop eating like it. More greens and less browns.