Emotional Healing Vs. Physical Healing


Earlier this week, I was prepping dinner and slicing up onions to add to a dish. About halfway through the onion, I sliced the very tip part of my thumb off with the knife I was using.

It felt terrible.
Blood went everywhere.
The onion was ruined.

It’s been nearly 4 days since the cut happened, and it has just now healed enough to where it doesn’t bleed whenever I bump the wound.

Time heals.
As does the human body.

I was talking about this healing process with a friend at lunch yesterday. We were talking about how incredible it is that the body can do what it can do, regrowing skin, mending itself. Targeted right toward the wound.

As we were talking, I couldn’t help but wonder about emotional wounds and emotional healing. Does it work the same? Can our minds and our souls callous and regrow as we become wounded by life? And even if they can, is that healthy?

Part of me thinks no. And a larger part of me thinks emotional healing us much slower than physical healing. As skin regrows in a matter of days, emotional scars last years, if not lifetimes. And as skin regrows, scars and reveals damage, so do emotions.


Cliff’s Note: Mental health healing can be harder than physical health healing.