Doing Wrong, Hoping for Right


A man on the street corner begs for food.
A truth exists, but a lie sounds better.
A word that hurts sounds better than a word that brings peace.

There’s a chapter in the book of Romans that talks about doing things we don’t want to do and not doing things we do want to do. That concept is mind-numbingly true. And it’s also one of the most frustrating things about being in the human experience.

Days come and go, and as they do, so do the choices that come with them. Choices to do good or to do bad, both to myself and to others. Yet often times, I find myself making the wrong choices instead of the right ones, all the while living in a sense of regret, post choice.

Instances speak to our failures.
We are haunted by ‘what ifs’ after it’s too late.
We apologize and ask for forgivness.

This is the experience of sin, of being broken in a world that was made to be Whole. We make mistakes, and we have to live with those mistakes. Thankfully, there are opportunities for a Hope Greater than ourselves.

Cliff’s Note:
With each mistake and wishful undoing, there is a chance for grace and forgiveness, which should only bring us closer to Eternity.