Blank Page


It’s almost spooky season here in the states. Pretty soon, we’ll be thinking about all of the things that scare us. The Boogie Man. The dark. Spiders. Heights. Ghosts and the paranormal. All very scary things.

But I think I have a new greatest fear - the blank page.

The blank page is something I face every day, and every day it taunts me.

The blank page tells me not to look at it.
The blank page says time is running out.
The blank page tells me I’m not good enough.

And I believe we all have our own blank pages. We all have to write emails, tweets, social media posts and letters, and all of those start as blank slates. So in a way, we’re all facing my greatest fear. But maybe it doesn’t scare you like it does me. But I feel like it scares at lest some of you.

Maybe it’s copying and pasting old email text so you don’t have to draft a new one. Or maybe it’s using song lyrics for a caption instead of writing your own. Either way, it’s avoiding one of our greatest fears - the blank page.

But today, i’ll stand up to that fear. Today, i’m going to start emails from scratch and draft copy from my mind and not someone else’s. Today the blank page won’t be blank.


-Cliff’s Note: Be a blank page for Halloween and see who else you scare. Not to cause fear, but to not feel so alone.