Beauty in Difference


Humanity can be ugly, but isn’t it also beautiful?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how wonderful it is that no one looks the same. Not only are our races different, but also our faces, shapes and attributes. And that’s just on the physical side. We are possibly even more different on the inside, in soul and mind, than we are on the outside in flesh and bone.

When we were formed by our Creator, we were not formed lazily. We were not made as products are made on an assembly line, but instead, we were each made complexly. Our cells and our souls are unlike anyone else’s in time, past, present or future.

Humanity can often see these differences as dangerous and threatening, rather than unique and uniting. Don’t miss out on the beauty we were created to be as One Creation.


Cliff’s Note: Red, yellow, black, white, tall, short, skinny, big, smart, funny, active, studious, bold or bashful - we are different, and that is incredible.